"Is the Gender Pay Gap Largest at the Top?" with Amanda Eng, Kendall Houghton, and Andrew Foote. 2024. AEA Papers and Proceedings 114: 248-53.
"When Sarah Meets Lawrence: The Effects of Coeducation on Women's College Major Choices," with Avery Calkins, Dana Shaat and Brenden Timpe. 2023. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 15 (3): 1-34.
"Comparing the 2019 American Housing Survey to Contemporary Sources of Property Tax Records: Implications for Survey Efficiency and Quality," with Emily Molfino and John Voorheis. 2022. JSM Proceedings, Survey Methods Research Section: 1688-1717.
"Is There a Male Breadwinner Norm? The Hazards of Inferring Preferences from Marriage Market Outcomes," with David Lam. 2022. Journal of Human Resources 57 (6): 1885-1914.
"Rising Inequality in Mothers' Employment Statuses: The Role of Intergenerational Transmission." 2021. Demography 58 (4): 1223-1248.
"The Declining Labor Market Prospects of Less-Educated Men," with John Bound. 2019. Journal of Economic Perspectives 33 (2): 163-190.
"Inflation and Public Debt Reversals in the G7 Countries," with Bernardin Akitoby and Takuji Komatsuzaki. 2017. Journal of Banking and Financial Economics 1 (7): 28-50.
"A Modern History of Fiscal Prudence of Profligacy," with Paolo Mauro, Rafael Romeu and Asad Zaman. 2015. Journal of Monetary Economics 76: 55-70.
Working Papers
"Intergenerational Mobility and Housing Wealth in the United States," with Max Risch and John Voorheis.
"Race and Mobility in U.S. Marriage Markets: Quantifying the Role of Segregation," with Caroline Walker, Jonathan Eggleston and Marta Murray-Close.
"Where to Build Affordable Housing? Evaluating the Tradeoffs of Location" with Cody Cook and Pearl Z. Li
"The Gender Pay Gap and its Determinants across the Human Capital Distribution," with Kendall Houghton, Amanda Eng, and Andrew Foote.
"The Effect of Declining Marriage Prospects on Young Men's Labor-Force Participation Rate."
Reports and Briefs
"Acreage Administrative Records Data Research for the American Community Survey" (with many coauthors: ACS Research and Evaluation Report)
"Opportunities for Marriage, Partnership Shape Women's Family Incomes" (with Marta Murray-Close, Caroline Walker, and Jonathan Eggleston)
"Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Employment Earnings, and Professional Engagement: New Insights from the 2021 National Survey of College Graduates" (with Michaela Dillon, Lynn Milan, and Kelly Phou: National Science Foundation Infobrief)
"The Within-Gender Gap: Employment Inequality among U.S. Mothers"